Hand rejuvenation recipes at home

Every woman knows that you can guess the age by the condition and appearance of the hand. Therefore, taking care of one's health, we must not forget that hand rejuvenation is a necessary procedure. Because of the thin layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, the skin of the hand grows faster, becomes dry, and wrinkles appear on it.

hand skin rejuvenation

In addition, it is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, cold, windy weather, aggressive chemical and mechanical stresses.

Unfortunately, rubber gloves for cleaning are not popular among our women, so household chemicals are irritating and damage delicate skin.

It is not impossible to find the time and money to go to a beauty salon, but hand skin rejuvenation can also be done at home. It is believed that hand rejuvenation consists of two blocks of care procedures. The first block is the prevention of early aging, and the second is the restoration of damaged and tired skin. Folk remedies used for rejuvenation provide protection, hydration and nutrition.

Prevention of premature skin aging

Preventive procedures aimed at rejuvenating the hands include measures to protect them from various environmental influences. It is possible to do this at home.

Before leaving the house in bad weather, you need to use protective equipment. In the cold and wind, you can rub sunflower or olive oil into your skin. It will prevent redness and cracking.

hand rejuvenation cream

Always wear gloves when handling household chemicals.

After finishing cleaning, it is recommended to spend a quarter of an hour for hand care with a salt bath. If sea salt is not available, the essential oils of orange, grapefruit or eucalyptus will occur.

Recipes for hand rejuvenation

Use one of the recipes below to freshen up your hands and leave them soft, smooth and neat.

  • Herbal lotion.Calendula and chamomile (1 tablespoon each) must be poured with hot water (0. 1 l) and insist for half an hour. Strain, add a tablespoon of glycerin. According to reviews, to achieve its effect, you need to use the lotion 2-3 times a day.
  • Vegetable mask.Take a vegetable (such as a carrot or cucumber), cut it and apply this composition to your hands. After ½ hours, rinse, comb your hands with olive oil. This mask nourishes and moisturizes well.
  • bath with chamomile for hand rejuvenation
  • Potato mask.Hand rejuvenation can be done with a potato mask. Crush two boiled potatoes and mix with warm milk (a few tablespoons), add a tablespoon of olive oil. Spread this mixture on your hands and wear polyethylene gloves for half an hour, then rinse your brush. You need to do the mask once a day for 7 days.
  • Egg mask.Beat the egg yolks and add a few drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of oil into it. Leave the resulting mass on the brush for 20 minutes.
  • Paraffin bath.Melt cosmetic paraffin, cool to an acceptable temperature, dip your hands into the bath for half an hour. Paraffin therapy nourishes and tightens the skin.

The skin of the hands requires no less care than the skin of the face and body. Pamper your hands as often as possible - do a mask, massage, shower. And they will surely delight you with their ideal condition.